December 06, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

I've been working my, already quite small, behind off lately because I've taken on far too much, but my brother is coming to stay this weekend to swap presents  - he is going to his girlfriend's parents' for Christmas this year - and I knew that if there were no mince pies on the premises he would turn around and go home again. So I got up early and, eschewing all else, made some. That's just the kind of sister I am.

I cheated massively, of course. I used pre-made bought puff and Filo pastry and a jar of mincemeat. And I used (oh, the shame of it) a Jamie Oliver recipe.

I haven't made them before, though, and always like to try out new recipes when there isn't any pressure. I thought I'd crapped it up for a minute when the Filo stuck to the muffin tin and started tearing but I patched it back together with some melted butter, and they seem to have turned out quite well. I'm not a big mince pie fan myself, but these are delicious.

If you fancy making some, the recipe is here.

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