January 06, 2009

The not-so curious incident of the dog in the night-time

5:10am - sound of whimpering by the side of the bed wakes me up.
tell dog to go back to her basket.

- get out of bed,
put dog back into her basket in hallway,
get back into bed.

- sound of whimpering by the side of the bed.

- get out of bed,
put dog back into her basket in hallway,
get back into bed.

- dog launches herself on to bed, landing precisely on my kidneys.

- dog fast asleep - underneath blanket.
have sneaking suspicion Cesar would not approve of this.

- still awake.
get up to retrieve extra blanket from airing cupboard.
walk past thermometer thingy in hallway and realise it is -8c outside.
feel bad for having made dog sleep on floor.

- return to bedroom to find dog sprawled out on pillows.

5:49am - put dog back into her basket in the hallway.

5:57am - hardly feel bad about it at all.

- tell dog she can sleep on bed, as long as she keeps my feet warm and doesn't expect to go for a walk at 8am.

- sound of whimpering by the side of the bed wakes me up.

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