February 23, 2009

Academy Awards 2009

Well, what a night it was. I twittered intermittently throughout and - for the first time ever - managed to stay awake until they had handed out the last award. Usually I watch the red carpet on E! and then listen to the ceremony on the radio in bed, but this year I watched the whole thing on Sky. And how glad I am that I did.

The Highlights

Kate Winslet winning Best Actress (of course!)
Slumdog Millionaire sweeping the board
The musical numbers
Hugh Jackman
Jennifer Aniston keeping it together in front of Brange. Was sure she was going to cry at one point, or at least take her shoe off and throw it at Angelina.
'DON'T fall in love with me.'

The Lowlights

Stephanie Beacham in the Sky studio. She was a complete miser and seemed to think she was the authority on the subject - was willing Marc Dolan or Danny Wallace to point out that she is now working on Coronation Street. I doubt she will be back next year.

Seth Rogen and James Franco falling about laughing when the latter failed to pronounce Spielzeugland correctly. A lot of bloggers have said that they think this was the funniest moment of the night, but it wasn't: it was just unprofessional.

Best Dressed
Tina Fey

For ages I thought Kate Winslet had nabbed it, but Tina just looked better.

(pic courtesy of Perez Hilton)

Worst Dressed


She usually gets it so right which is why this fish-tail flock frock just doesn't cut it. And where was her jewellery? (Ordinally Whoppi Goldberg would have won.)

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