November 05, 2008

Election Night

Watching Obama's speech this lunchtime, it doesn't have quite the power that it had at about 6am this morning. Maybe I'm not as overwrought and overtired as I was then. I admit that, at the time, I did shed a tear - about 125,000 Americans in Grant Park did too, though, so it's ok.

For the first five minutes it looked, rather worryingly, like McCain could still pull it off, and then for the next five hours it didn't. His concession speech was impressive. Well written, it was so dignified and graceful that for a split second I did think, 'Holy crap, maybe they've made a mistake; he might have been able to handle being President after all'. And then I remembered who would have been put in charge of the Free World should he not have coped - someone who thinks that because 'you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska' [She was in New York at the time] they have the edge on International relations.

I wanted Obama to win. And not just because the prospect of the Republicans getting in was so terrifying. Throughout the entire Democrat campaign his responses have been thoughtful and measured, and he hasn't resorted to employing actors to trash-talk his opponent.

The highlights:

>CNN's hologram reporter
>Oprah getting excited and jabbing her friends when she recognised herself on the big screen
>ITV's shambolic coverage
>The episode of Big Bang Theory I watched online while I was waiting for it to get interesting the polls to close.
>The revelation that Malia and Sasha Obama will be taking a new puppy with them to the White House.

I'm extraordinarily tired now, but having seen the caucuses and debates, there was no way I was going to miss the big finish. However trite it might sound to say, it really did feel like we were watching history being made.

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